3 BlackBerry valley crt caledon 416 768 0525 info@colorsimmigration.com
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Super visa

A Great way to bring parents and grandparents to Canada through super visa program. The Super Visa is a multi-entry visa that provides multiple entries for a period up to 7 years. The key difference is that the Super Visa allows an individual to stay for up to two years at a time in Canada, while a 10-year multiple entry visa would only have a status period for each entry of six months only. If you do not qualify parental PR sponsorship because of MNI for three years you can apply super visa. Income requirement for super visa is only for one year and 30 percent lower.

Sponsor must have medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company that is:

  • Valid for at least 1 year from the date of entry
  • At least $100,000 coverage
  • Have proof that the medical insurance has been paid
  • Medical is also required for super visa. So, for further help you can contact our team.